

Name Christopher Simaan


  • 2023 - 2025

    Los Angeles, CA

    University of California, Los Angeles
    Computer Science and Engineering
    • Software Construction
    • Electrical and Electronic Circuits
    • Logic Design
    • Verilog
    • Operating Systems
  • 2021 - 2023

    San Diego, CA

    Cuyamaca College
    Science and Mathematics


  • 2023.06 - Current

    San Diego, CA

    Software Developer - Internship
    • Designed a Bluetooth-enabled PCB to interface with a dual-frequency RFID module, facilitating versatile contactless badge verification.
    • Developed a PCB that extended RFID reader range and achieved an 88% reduction in badge read time.
    • Designed a custom PCB utilizing the Zigbee communication protocol for seamless integration with sensors, ensuring efficient data transfer and system connectivity
    • Created durable and environmentally resilient housings for the custom sensor-equipped device
    • Collaborated effectively with cross-functional teams to troubleshoot and resolve software challenges
    • Implemented Bluetooth vibration sensors to monitor motor performance, providing real-time notifications to customers in the event of potential motor issues
  • 2019.01 - 2019.03

    Oceanside, CA

    Leader of Amazon Alexa Integration - Internship
    Alpha Technics
    • Developed Alexa interface integration to wireless t-Pod thermometers
    • Collaborated with technical directors on completion of project components
    • Created presentations on topics discussing the implementation and specifications of new products
  • 2015.08 - 2017.06

    El Cajon, CA

    Technical Support - Part-time
    Holy Trinity School
    • Maintained and restored preexisting computer systems, desktops, and peripherals.
    • Acquired requests from administration to optimize classrooms preferences based on personal teaching styles.
    • Achieved a 10% reduction in technology costs while upgrading classroom experiences with new technologies.
    • Reduced average issue resolution time by 50%, ensuring minimal disruption to teaching activities.


Google IT Support Certificate
Coursera 12-28-2023


  • 2024.02 - Current
    Automated script designed to integrate with various edu platforms (Canvas, Gradescope) with Notion to automate the process of managing assignmments.
  • 2024.02 - Current
    Custom keyboard PCB based on the Adelheid project's layout, uses magnetic encoders for the keyswitches instead of traditional switches.
  • 2024.02 - 2024.03
    Mobile-first web app that features an interactive campus map for both indoors and outdoors. It features login & signup authentication functionality, reset password capability, an interactive map, searchable rooms in the Math/Sci building of UCLA, an event saving feature, and more.
  • 2023.05 - 2024.02
    Alarm Keypad
    Custom alarm keypad that interfaces with Home Assistant. Has a 4x4 key switch matrix, Fingerprint Sensor and NFC Reader. Powered by an ESP-32 S3 with an OLED Display Module.
  • 2022.05 - 2024.02
    Remote PC Switch
    Custom PCIe Card that remotely turns on and off PC by being put in series with case and motherboard front IO connectors. Uses ESPHome and Home Assistant for remote capabilities.
  • 2019.12 - 2021.06
    A macOS application written in Java using the Processing library. Creates generative pieces of mathematical artwork. Used by students inside of the MacLab.
  • 2019.11 - 2020.01
    Car Connect
    A personal project is written in C++. Creates a seamless interface from phone to car. Uses car's CAN-Bus to read and send messages to car's ECU.